Swaledale Runners

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club night group 1

We are fortunate to have use of the SOC clubhouse in Richmond for our club runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We meet at around 6.30pm at SOC, 17 New Road, Richmond, DL10 4QS, in time to head out for group runs at 6.45, led by qualified run leaders.

We aim to offer a choice of a shorter run at a steady pace and a longer run. Some are on roads, some on trails, especially once the lighter evenings begin. On Tuesdays there is usually the option of a more structured training session, involving interval training or hill reps.Why not pop along to a club session and see what we do - no need to book, just turn up!

One of our head coaches also currently offers a strength and conditioning session via Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesdays.

You're welcome to come to a club night as a guest free of charge for your first session to let you get a taste of what we do. If you can comfortably jog 4 miles whilst chatting you'll manage fine with most of our groups. 

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